Thursday, May 3, 2018

Intro to AVTF Students, It's "Wildcat TV" Time...

Wildcat TV” is an all student produced school community TV show in its 21st Season
Our Brand: Positive focus on school event & sports and student voices with a short film & music video opener
All content.. songs, video, & humor is school & workplace-appropriate* clean, TV-G viewing for all

*CONTENT RULES: No References to race, sexual identity or activity, alcohol, drugs, weapons, criminality, violence, bodily waste or output, state of undress, lewd dancing or gestures
Student Performance Standard = Your Grade

Students will collaborate effectively in group media production.
a. Exercise leadership on behalf of the common good over a collaborative experience by utilizing the strengths of each individual in a group production.
b. Work collaboratively to produce and direct location and/or studio segments.
c. Collaborate to complete post-production tasks (graphics, audio & video editing). 

Essential Question: What skills can you demonstrate in your job assignment to result in a creative, high-quality segment?