Monday, April 23, 2018

Short Film Genre

DUE FRIDAY MAY 4th: The Short Film project requires you to prove your understanding of 2 concepts:

A. Story Arc. You need to develop
1. Characters
2. Plot / Situation / Conflict
3. Resolution 

B. Triangle Coverage. You need to film each character interaction scene (dialogue) as
1. Two Shot of Both in conversation
2. OSS / Close of Actor A speaking
3. OSS / Close of Actor B speaking
NOTE: Don't take 2 cameras - keep scene short; film thrice

Required before filming:
Treatment - Summary of story arc with Character Names and plot explained
Scene List - each scene location and short description of scene 
Film Pass - already created on my desk

Suggested before you film: 
SCRIPT - Camera shots and Dialogue 
- type it out at home; print here at school

5 minutes max length; School Appropriate Content - see Kuhn for questions
Royalty free music: 
Sound Effects:
Fight scenes are allowed; BE SAFE and learn how: Film Riot Fight Scene training page
NO FAKE WEAPONS allowed on campus

About Continuity: ACTORS, bring your main outfit to school in a bag so you can wear it multiple days. Also - be here every day or your team will struggle. 
Directors: Get your actors to re-perform scenes so camera op can get 3 angles.

Avoid the Adobe red screen: copy ALL clips to a NEW folder DAILY. 
Export to H.264

Friday, April 13, 2018

Help with your Anchor Newscast Script

It should look like:

Anchor 1: Good Morning and Welcome to [SHOW NAME], I’m [NAME]…
Anchor 2: ..where we always bring you news about Wheeler sports and activities. I’m [NAME]
Anchor 1:[say a fact about the first segment] Our Reporter [NAME] has more… take a look…
Anchor 2: [say a fact about the second segment] Our Reporter [NAME] has the full story...
Anchor 1: Well, that’s our show. You can always get the latest school News on Twitter at Wheeler Underscore High dot com.  I’m [NAME]… 
Anchor 2: … and I’m [NAME]. Thank you for joining us on [SHOW NAME] Have a great day Wildcats!

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Studio Newscast

You should have completed editing your field news package. Next you learn how to incorporate your news package into a newscast show. 

First, you must learn vocab and concepts. You and ONE partner get a textbook. 

Classwork ASSIGNMENT 1: complete Chapter 16 and 22 Packet

Your team will be joined with additional team(s) to be trained on Studio & Control room equipment jobs. There are 3 Show groups for the whole class. Each group should have 10-12 people. 

Kuhn will train 1 group per day.  Each group will have 2 Anchors, 3 Camera operators, a Teleprompter, Title manager, Tech Director, Playback Operator, Audio Director, and Show Producer. 

Classwork ASSIGNMENT 2: Plan your Show Script. Download a Live Newscast Format Script to see the rundown. Anchors - type your script using the Windows software "Notepad" and copy it to a flash drive. Give it to your Teleprompter operator before your Practice time.  

LAB GRADE: Your show will broadcast to a LIVE audience. Everyone will be able to see mistakes. So, be professional and LISTEN during that 1 day of training. Shows will also be recorded. 

Practice Time: The block is divided in half during Show Week April 16-20. Your team will have additional chances to practice if you SIGN UP in advance. 

ATTN Seniors who have Senior Project: I recommend you work in the same group. Your show will be completed the WED BEFORE Senior Project so you can spend Thursday focused on your presentation. You are all encouraged to practice with each other in our classroom on Thursday.