Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Lighting Lab

Television Lighting involves learning how to safely set up and control specific lighting instruments to provide a quality video shot. Here are some of the terms and concepts you will be expected to know: 

Spot light / Hard Light / Key Light
Soft Light / Fill light
Back Light
Dimmer Board
Barn Doors
Florescent light vs. Incandescent light
The Kelvin Color Temperature Scale
How to set up 3-Point lighting on your subject

Classwork Assignment: 
Gather four people you're sitting next to in class get textbook, split up the Ch. 15 packet and complete it before moving to the lab. 

Lab Assignment: Review the slideshow and complete the following activities here: 
 Lighting Review and Exercise

QUIZ: On your phone, by yourself, review flashcards and complete the Test here:

LAB Activities DUE BY FRIDAY Mar. 1st - Quizlet DUE Tuesday Mar. 5th

Next video project: The Music Video