Friday, November 11, 2016

Movie Trailer Project due Nov 16th

You have been in AVTF for 12 weeks are not only trained on camera & editing but have had lots of practice with four previous projects. 

Your Movie Trailer is expected to have the following to earn a B or above on this project:
Dynamic Camera Work:
Deep background, Close ups of actors, clear dialogue, OSS shots if applicable, unique film angles, dolly, trucking or arcing shots
Properly paced Editing Work:
Plenty of shots and cutting so that if you have a action-based story, we see action paced editing
Effective Music Choices:
Trailers are known especially for their use of music
Clear Sense of the Story:
Not a full narrative but enough scenes to clue in the audience 
Creative use of Titles 
highlighting the main title of the movie

Check here for more tips:top-5-attributes-of-a-successful-movie-trailer