Monday, August 12, 2019

Unit 3: Equipment Operation & Safety

CLASSWORK ASSIGNMENT: Teams, complete Ch. 4 handouts. Look at the checklist. Review the instructions at the top. Assign 1 Team Leader.  Observe the Set up Training session lead by Kuhn. 

-Go to work stations. Studio teams position yourselves to have room to set up and use equipment. 
-Send 2 people back to check out Camcorder, Battery, SD Card, Tripod, and Dolly
-DO NOT CARRY EVERYTHING BY YOURSELF or you may drop and damage an expensive piece of equipment. :( 

LAB: Learn and practice the checklist. Kuhn will go from Team to Team answering questions. Each person repeats checklist until you can do the drill without it. 
WARNING: Anyone on his or her phone during study time risks losing points on this test. You have 2 days before the Test begins.  LAST 15 minutes: 2 people SAFELY return equipment to it's place. Team Leaders: clip team handouts together, leave in your Block’s TRAY (on Kuhn’s laptop cart)

TEST: Team reports to classroom. You turn in all your checklists. You performs each task for a test grade.  Each item missed = 5 points off on your individual test grade. 

POST TEST Requirement: Go to your iMac and complete the 'Filming On Location' slideshow and form here:  Click here to review Campus Film Guide