The Participation Grade in Synergy is 35% of the students total average. It reflects the daily effort each student contributes toward the completion of the current Audio Video Assignment listed on the classroom board and in CTLS.
This grade is flexible. The student has the power to change it anytime: if they are off-task (sustained cell phone / device use, gaming, sleeping, leaving lab w/o pass, leaving group while on location / out of area) the grade is decreased in 5-pt per day increments. When they get back on task, the grade goes back up the same amount or more per day.
AVTF Participation Grade
Student attends class on
time daily, pays attention during lesson, stays on task 90-100% of the lab
time, turns in written work, operate Audio Video equipment (such as a
Camcorder, Tripod, Microphone, Lighting) and /or uses the video Editing
Software (Adobe Premiere Pro) demonstrates professional behavior daily in the
class and lab, completes the work tasks involved in Audio Visual Production,
completes projects that meet the shared content checklist of requirements
Student attends class on
time daily, turns in written work, demonstrates professional behavior most
days, completes minimum one task involved in production, completes projects
that meet the shared content checklist of requirements
Student attends class on
time most days, communicates with respect to assignments, struggles to turn in
written work, completes projects that meet the shared content checklist of
requirements, struggles with on-task behavior (sustained cell phone use,
gaming, sleeping, wandering out of area)
Below 70:
Student does not attend
class regularly, arrives late, is off task throughout, does not turn in written
work, does not alter behavior after expectations are communicated, work does
not meet the shared content checklist of requirements
Below 60:
Student is rarely seen
in class more than 2 days each week. Or present but off task most days.
Does the minimum Audio-Video tasks. Or work does not meet the shared
content checklist of requirements
Below 50:
Attends class but does
no work. Or does not attend class at all or more than 1 day a week. Displays
unacceptable workplace behavior such as a refusal to work, disrespect toward
others, leaving class without a pass, leaving group while on location filming
(skipping). Work does not meet the shared content checklist of
requirements. Work does not meet
the shared content checklist of requirements.