Tuesday, March 27, 2018

News Project


1. Find your Wheeler Story - it could be any activity, club, event or sport
2. Complete a news worksheet - include names of people you would like to interview
3. Perform 1 job - Camera, Reporter, Producer, Audio/ Lighting Director, Editor
4. Film A Roll - Interviews
5. Film B Roll - Action shots
6. Write Reporter Script
7. Film Reporter Lead (introduction facts) and V/O (voiceover fact) and Closing (Sign off)
8. Edit together in the A/B Roll Style - see Kuhn for instructions 
9. Add Low 3rd titles under interviews, music, transitions

2:00 Feature News Package Due Tuesday April 10

Studio Newscast Assignment...
Team up with ONE other group in your Block (it takes 10 students to create a news show) 
Copy your 2 news package .mp4s to a flash drive
Schedule Studio & Control training session w/Kuhn 
Practice a show with 2 anchors, 3 camera ops, Producer and control room staff
LIVE News Show performance will be on one of three days:  
Wed April 18
Thurs April 19
Friday April 20