Friday, May 5, 2017

Wildcat TV Production Activities

Wildcat TV Project
Wildcat TV is a school project rated “TV-G” for ‘General’ Audience viewing for people of all ages. No inappropriate material allowed: visuals or music
Program Format:
Cold Open SKETCH – Story arc involving school spirit. Short, funny, with a clever ending & ‘This is Wildcat TV’ w/ still frame + music fade.

HOSTS - Male & female that represent our school well, have good chemistry, write their own copy, introduce each segment – either live in studio or edited from location shoot.

SPORTS – A Roll: athletes + B Roll of sport in action. Editing MUST be fast-paced matched with appropriate music.

FEATURE NEWS - A/B Roll of wheeler Event or Activity. *Reporter required w/ Intro/Outro on location.

HALL SURVEY - Short funny answers to 1 question from people outside our class. Needs innovative topic idea & confident interviewer.

AD - 20-30 sec publicity announcement titles or video.

END CREDITS (over still clips from segment) titles (see Segment Crew Lists) over a funny frame from your segment. Each Segment Producer sends a 5 sec credit listing the jobs of each segment crew OR a separate music video. Show Producers make their own title / with logo. 
So - what do you do now.... ? Write IDEAS for your segment
Write SCENES for your Skit
Find ACTORS for Skit
Film B ROLL - pass required
View & LOG your shots 
Film A ROLL -  TEST your Mic & LISTEN while recording
Design a colorful, motion TITLE for your segment

Find instrumental MUSIC for your segment... 
 ... Check YouTube copyright claim BEFORE you use it