Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Last Project: Television Show Competition

Last Project: Produce "Wildcat TV" as a class. Your competition is the other AVTF Intro Class (Block 1 vs. Block 3). You work in groups of 4-5 people to produce the following video packages:
WCTV Rundown:
TV-G Skit (w/ Director)
Sports Segment (w/Reporter) 
News Segment (w/ Reporter)
Event Segment (w/ Reporter) 
Hall Survey (w/ Reporter)
Host Package - male & female hosts complete four 'throws' - one to each segment
Credits - Each Segment makes their own 
Tag / Logo using After Effects

A show of this magnitude requires Pre-Production Planning. 
Pre-Production: Each student is assigned three written assignments:
1. A Treatment for the Opening Skit Idea
2. A Rundown Outline w/topic ideas for each segment
3. A Script for your Segment choice w/three statistics about topic
NOTE: Written work AND Employability Grade of an 80 or above are required to go outside of class to film.  

We start the week after Thanksgiving...  
Pre-Production Due December 2nd
Video Segments Due December 15 exported to H.264