Monday, March 22, 2021

What My Class is Doing March 23 - April 30

The Lighting Unit: learning the vocabulary, the practice, and the importance of Lighting in TV, Movies, and Portrait Photography 

We will conduct the 3-Point Lighting Lab...

We will study ways to use at home products for portrait photography... 

We will create a Video demonstrating intentional lighting setup...

We will take a Quiz reviewing Lighting Vocab and Concepts

B1 AVTF Lab: Produce a 1 min or less Promotional on a Wheeler program, event, activity, club or class topic

B2 and B3 AVTF Intro: Write and Produce a 2-3 Music Video demonstrating one example of 3-point light or any intentional lighting set up

B4: AVTF WCTV: Alternating teams produce Skits, Sports, Calendar Clips, Feature Segments, and Surveys each week - segments and credits due each Tuesday before 6pm.