Thursday, March 28, 2019

Studio Newscast

Learn to broadcast the news LIVE with 2 Anchors - similar to our morning news show

1. Combine your group with another field news segment team (need 8-10 people total)
2. Sign up for a studio or control room job (see below)
3. Bring your field news segments on a flash drive to the control room
4. Get trained; Practice for multiple days
5. Choose your live broadcast time slot - April 11-16

As your team performs the newscast, it broadcasts live on the Wheeler channel. 
Yes- if any other classrooms are tuned in, they will hear and see you, so YOU NEED TO CARE AND YOU MUST BEHAVE IN A PROFESSIONAL MANNER.

Control Room:
Titles (Optional)
Tech Director / Switcher 
Graphics & Music Playback
Audio Director

Camera Operator 1, 2, 3
Floor Manager
Anchor 1, 2

DUE by April 19

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

ENG - Field News Package Assignment

Electronic News Gathering: 
Produce a 1:30 - 2:00 Field News Package 

This package is an actual news story (not mock or fake) covering a Wheeler sport, class activity or club. It's filmed out of class or in the 'field' led by a Reporter to be edited for playback during a newscast. 

Elements Required: 
a Wheeler Activity as your topic and one person serving as Reporter - (not two)
External microphone, lighting device  (tripod optional if you are steady handheld)
A Roll - Reporter Interviews with key people also called SOT (Sound on tape)
B Roll - Action shots of activity
Lower 3rd  Titles in lower third of screen that are name tags for people speaking
Lead - Reporter Intro Fact that kicks off the story 
V/O - Reporter provides additional facts that become a Voiceover
OutroReporter closes the story w/last item of info + 'Reporting for Wildcat TV, I'm [Name]' 

Follow Up Assignment:  Studio Newscast
Team with another group and get trained on Control Room and Studio jobs. 
Team Newscast - performed and broadcast LIVE by April 19