Thursday, September 15, 2016

Complete Lighting Knowledge Form Link

This is only to collect data - this is NOT for a grade. 

Complete the Form: Click Here

Lighting Knowledge Form Link

This is only to collect data - this is NOT for a grade. 

Complete the Form: Click Here

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Lighting for TV

-Review Lighting Powerpoint with Mrs. Kuhn 

-Activity 1: Practice Setting up 2 location light stands with reflectors

-Activity 2: Identify lights in Studio used for three point lighting set up and light your subject

- Assignment: Plan & write your Music video idea at your iMac

Use at least one scene with location or studio lighting. 

Monday, September 12, 2016

Survey Project Due - Review Learning Questions:

What am I learning today?
All crew members need to learn the steps in exporting the Adobe sequence (aka timeline) to the correct format
What am I going to do today?
-Everyone review the segment
-Make changes if needed
-Copy to flash drive
-Copy to MacBook
What will I do to show that I’ve learned it?
Your group should have a 1:30-2:00 long Survey .mp4 (with a title & instrumental track) in YOUR BLOCK's folder on the MacBook by dismissal time.

Let's view Surveys in class tomorrow - bring your favorite snack! :)

Friday, September 9, 2016

Why You Are Not Done With Your Survey...

• If your survey is under 1:30 min long
• If your track has lyrics. Nope - Instrumental only
• If your track is too loud under your clips > Adjust yellow line
• If ANY of your audio is “in the red’ > Adjust Yellow line
• If your audio is too low – Right-click  ‘Audio gain’ set to higher number
• If your title does not move – See Ch. 7 in Adobe Textbook
• If you have no topic-related photos enhancing your title background
• If your survey just cuts off at the end (add transitions / fade out)
= you still have work to do. 

Thursday, September 1, 2016

B1 & B3 Survey Project

A Survey = asking multiple people the same question. 

Project Grade Rubric

Team Work Connections:  (10 pts) Able to produce an effective product with people you’ve never met and with a minimum of drama. (You may include one person from your last group)

Reporting the Topic:  (20 pts) Used Reporter Intro, Interviews, and Outro. Does your Reporter demonstrate a professional demeanor on camera? (No chewing gum, sunglasses, slang, or sarcasm)

 Audio: (20 pts)Prevented mistakes by testing mic before filming. Monitored audio while recording through headphones. Used  instrumental music in post to avoid song lyrics stepping on interviews

Shot Composition: (10pts) Staged a well-lighted shot to include background perspective - no flat wall backgrounds. You must be able to see the face of the subject in a good light

Graphics: (10 pts) Created a dynamic title with motion or multi-image background. Look at Chapter 7 in “Adobe in the Classroom” textbook for step-by-step instructions

Collaboration: (10 pts) Only took 2 people out at a time to film survey maximum - NOT ENTIRE GROUP. Interviewed a diverse group of subjects in age, ethnicity, gender

Organization & Time Management: (10 pts) Obtained signed permission from a teacher 1 DAY IN ADVANCE before expecting to visit another class for interviews. Made the most of 2 days of film time

Professional Development: (10 pts) Demonstrated your professional business skills by sending a thank you email to the teachers who allowed your group interview time (copy Kuhn in email: