Tuesday, August 30, 2016

B1 & B3 Project Export Day!

Time to share your 1st project!  

Before we can share it with others, we have to be sure that our video: 
-is School appropriate... Every person - your 3rd grade teacher, your grandmother, or your 5-year old cousin must be able to view your school project and not be exposed to foul language or R-rated themes in songs or character dialogue.  

ALL content - on-camera behavior, dress code, song lyrics, and dialogue - must be clean.  Delete any clips or tracks that aren't in order to protect you, your audience, and your project grade.  

-is Completely finished... Are titles spelled wrong? Is music too loud or dialogue difficult to hear? Does video cut off when it should fade out? Be sure you finish it before you put it out there for people to view it. 

-is inside the 'Selected Work Area': Look above your timeline in the area that looks like a ruler. Find the two gray arrows that you will slide to select the beginning and end of all video that you want exported. Slide your arrows a second or two before and a second after your video so that no shots will be unintentionally cut off. 

Time to Export... That means converting your timeline to an uploadable file format that can be played on any device - an MP4. 

Go to your 'File' Menu, Choose 'Export' and 'Media'. A new screen opens up - Under Format choose 'H.264' . Under Preset: Choose HDTV 1080p 29.97 (the high-definition, high resolution match up for your camera settings). 

Open the 'Sequence 01' and change the Name to your product and the  Where to 'Desktop'. Watch as the timeline exports (a test of your patience). 

Attach Kuhn's flash drive and drag your new MP4  product onto the flash drive. Do NOT rip the flash drive out of your Mac. Right-click and eject it carefully. 

Walk it over to Kuhn's classroom PC to drag a copy into your Block's file folder. Congrats on finishing! We will watch them in class the next day. Feel free to bring snacks for viewing day.  

Work Habits & Cleanliness

Every day, our television lab rooms are getting littered with food trash and water bottles. 

From now on, the last 5 minutes of each day will be the time for your group to clean your edit room for part of your grade. That’s right, you can earn lab points for cleaniness in your Employability & Work Habits grade on Synergy. 

Instead of throwing your trash on the floor, WALK to the trashcan to THROW AWAY things you no longer want to keep. Use the broom in the corner of the class and Clorox wipes in my office to clean up. Do not use the wipes on the iMacs - that requires a dry cloth. 

Let’s prevent germs and ants from infesting the areas in which we spend so much time by keeping a clean work space. 

Monday, August 29, 2016

B1 & B3 Adobe Editing Exit Ticket Activity

It's ok to have a primary editor to help complete your Ad... but ALL group members should learn Adobe Editing basics during Lab time. So, let's work on that...   

Each group member pick up a blank Adobe Exit Ticket on the cart in the front of the classroom, get in the Editor 'hotseat' and go through the checklist with your primary editor. Complete each item on your own, sign and turn in your exit ticket for a classwork grade.
Be able to demonstrate a task if called on to do so by Kuhn in class!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

B1 & B3 AVTF First Video Assignment :)

In a group of 3 or 4, choose between an Advertisement or a Public Service Announcement. All work must be school appropriate. No filming allowed in academic hallways.  

PRE-PRODUCTION: Write a Treatment, a Script & a Proposal

PRODUCTION: You will have 30 minutes a day to capture your shots as well as re-film any that need redone. Each day, you must copy your shots from your SD card into a new folder on your Mac desktop marked named with the date that you filmed. 

POST-PRODUCTION: You will train on Adobe Premiere Pro CS.5 Editing software to assemble the shots in the order they should appear... along with music and a title.


Due WEDNESDAY Aug. 31st
We will view your projects in class Thursday Sept. 1st. 

Monday, August 15, 2016

B4 WCTV Aug 17 - All movies DUE TUESDAY Aug 16

All "Wildcat TV" Segments are due TODAY. Here's your checklist of things you must do to secure your grade:

Complete your Credits as a new Sequence on your timeline (see Kuhn for a how-to)
Complete segment with appropriate music and titles
Select Source Work Area using gray arrows on timeline
File - Export - Media
Format must be: H.264 & Preset must be: HDTV 1080p 29.97
Export: your Credits first - NAME the file (example 'Volleyball Credits Aug 17
Then Export your full segment (which will take longer - named "Volleyball Aug 17")
This process makes makes an Mp4 file of both of your movies - credits and segment
Airdrop your Credits (Still photo + jobs & names) to Mac 13 first
Airdrop the Mp4 - NOT the Premiere Pro timeline - the EXPORTED Mp4 to Mac 13

Check with Maddie Staley to see that she received the correct files.

B1 & B3 Equipment Test Starts today

In this test, your group of 4 demonstrates set up, operation and knowledge of safety and filming rules listed on your practice checklist that you have had in the lab for the last three days. 

While Kuhn is in the classroom testing others, your group may review the checklist but must remain in your group and seated at your work station. 

Also - in the lab today your group must correct & study your Chapter 4 "Video Camera Operations" review packet.  Your group will help each other complete the Ch. 4 (paper) Quiz on Tuesday Aug 16th. 

Monday, August 8, 2016

B2 - Film Team August 8th

Learn Basic Photography Terms - (see the link right) 
Take still photos...
Review job requests.

Block 1 & 3 - Monday August 8, 2016

Use Garage Band to create a short 'radio' show - you choose the topic. Appoint a host, guests & audio director. Incorporate music jingles. Share to iTunes & email to Kuhn. 

Friday, August 5, 2016

B2 Film Team Fri, Aug 5

Happy Friday :) 
Please Re-take your Basic Photography Quizlet on your own. RECORD your Score & Email it Here

B1 & B3 Friday Aug 5, 2016

Quiz today on Ch. 2 Working in the TV Industry
Review your study guide with your partner!

Thursday, August 4, 2016

B4 Wildcat TV Season Premiere is August 17. All assigned segments due the 16th before you leave for the day. 

The WCTV Season Promo will run Wed August 10th. 

Things to work on:
Rule of Thirds Framing
Proper Lighting 
Decent Audio
File Management
Fast paced Editing

Good luck!  

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

BLOCK 1 & 3 LAB ACTIVITY - News Podcast

In groups of 3 or 4, locate a news story from a reputable news site.. a story that your group can discuss beyond the story. Write a few discussion points, appoint a host or moderator. Use 'Photobooth' video cam to record your news report and discuss your opinions. 

When done with recording, make a new folder on your Mac Desktop with a team name. Name your clips in the order each one should be played. Drag your movie clips to your folder. Pick up a flash drive from Kuhn, copy your folder to it. Due Tuesday August 9th. 

Block 1 & 3 ASSIGNMENT Ch. 2 TV Jobs

Work in the classroom with the person next to you to complete both handouts. This will be your study sheet for the Ch. 2 Quiz so, research your answers carefully. Write your name, staple and turn in the handouts to Kuhn before you go to lab time.

QUIZ on Television Jobs FRIDAY Aug 5

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Block 2 Film Team 1st Assignment:

Complete Training Assignment: get a team of three people. Type up a Proposal with names, locations, shooting dates. Take turns using DSLR and Adobe. Create a 30 sec video: Select a theme. You will not bother teachers, coaches or students on this one. Demonstrate pull focus, extreme close ups, wide shots from unique angles. Music must be instrumental and go with theme. Due date TBA